Τμήμα Μηχανικών Ηλεκτρονικών Υπολογιστών και Πληροφορικής

Πολυτεχνική Σχολή - Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων

Σεμινάριο Τμήματος με τίτλο “Harnessing Greek Textual Resources with Large Language Models and Conversational AI”


Στο πλαίσιο της διοργάνωσης των σεμιναρίων του τμήματος θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Παρασκευή 03/11//2023 και ώρα 12:00, ομιλία με τίτλο «Harnessing Greek Textual Resources with Large Language Models and Conversational AI» στην αίθουσα Σεμιναρίων του ΤΜΗΥΠ. Ομιλητής θα είναι ο  κ. Κωνσταντίνος Σκιάνης.


The evolution of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has ushered in an era of unprecedented opportunities for the exploration and utilization of Greek textual resources. This presentation delves into the transformative potential of large language models and conversational AI in exploiting these resources. Large language models (LLMs) have redefined our interactions with text. These models, with their vast knowledge base, offer remarkable capabilities in comprehending, generating, and manipulating human language. However, their application to Greek presents unique challenges and opportunities that demand special attention.
This work explores the adaptation and fine-tuning of LLMs for Greek, demonstrating their efficacy in knowledge extraction and various language-related tasks. In addition, LLMs are integral to the development of conversational AI systems in Greek. We demonstrate that cοnversational agents can engage users in more meaningful interactions, facilitating access to Greek textual resources. We strongly believe that the fusion of cutting-edge NLP techniques, like LLMs and conversational AI, and Greek language resources can empower researchers, businesses, and educators alike.