Reliable Integrated Systems
Course Feature
Class Description
Course ID: H2
Unit: ADVANCED COMPUTER SYSTEMS – Unit H: Hadware Systems
Weekly Hours: 4
ECTS Credits: 7
Course Homepage:
Description: With the continuous scaling of transistor feature size, the chip complexity is dramatically increased since billions of transistors are integrated in a single chip (see the case of Systems-on-Chip – SoCs). Aiming to provide high quality integrated circuits and systems, these must be reliable and fully tested after production. In addition, during their whole operational life time in the field, we must ensure their reliable and uninterruptable operation. Consequently, design for reliability is an integral part of integrated circuits and systems design and manufacturing. This course covers the fields of integrated circuits and systems testing, design for testability and design for reliability. The topics discussed are: Importance of testing, Defects and fault models, Wear out and aging mechanisms, PVT variations, Test process, Advanced design for testability techniques, Advanced design for reliability techniques, Self-healing systems.