DL Patiris, K Blekas, KG Ioannides,
The expansion of TRIAC to TRIACII code for track measurements from SSNT
detectors HNPS Proceedings 15,
180-187, 2020.
C. Spatharis and K. Blekas. Double deep
multiagent reinforcement learning for autonomous driving in traffic maps with
road segments and unsignaled intersections. 23rd IEEE International Conference on
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) 2020.
C. Spatharis. K. Blekas and G. Vouros. Apprenticeship learning of flight trajectories
prediction with inverse reinforcement learning. 11th Hellenic Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (SETN) 2020.
B. Liu, K. Blekas, G. Tsoumakas. Multi-Label
Sampling based on Local Label Imbalance. arXiv:2005.03240, 2020.
C Spatharis,
K Blekas, A Bastas, T Kravaris, GA Vouros.
Collaborative multiagent reinforcement learning schemes for air traffic
management. 10th IEEE International
Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA),
Patras, 2019
P Chaysri,
K Blekas, K Vlachos. Navigation of inertial forces
driven mini-robots using reinforcement learning. 10th IEEE International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and
Applications (IISA), Patras, 2019.
DL Patiris, K Blekas, KG Ioannides.
A MATLAB code for recognition and counting of track images. HNPS Proceedings 14, 119-124. 2019.
T Kravaris, C Spatharis,
A Bastas, GA Vouros, K Blekas, G Andrienko. Resolving
Congestions in the Air Traffic Management Domain via Multiagent Reinforcement
Learning Methods. arXiv:1912.06860,
M. Koubarakis,
G. Vouros, G. Chalkiadakis,
V. Plagianakos, C. Tjortjis,
E. Kavallieratou, D. Vrakas, N. Mavridis,
G. Petasis, K. Blekas, A. Krithara. AI in Greece: The Case of Research on Linked
Geospatial Data, AI Magazine 39 (2),
91-96, 2018.
C. Spatharis,
T. Kravaris, G. A. Vouros,
K. Blekas, G. Chalkiadakis,
J. M. Cordero Garcia, E. C. Fernandez: Multiagent Reinforcement Learning
Methods to Resolve Demand Capacity Balance Problems. Proceedings of the 10th
Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2018). (best
student paper award).
C. Spatharis,
T. Kravaris, K. Blekas and
G. A. Vouros. Multiagent Reinforcement Learning
Methods for Resolving Demand - Capacity Imbalances. 37th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Sept.
2018. (best paper award).
V. Oikonomou,
K. Blekas and L. Astrakas.
Functional Connectivity in Parkinson Disease Through Mixture Modelling. IEEE
13th Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP),
pages 1-5, 2018.
T. Kavaris, G. A. Vouros, C. Spatharis, K. Blekas and J.M.C. Carcia. Learning Policies for Resolving Demand-Capacity
Imbalances During Pre-tactical Air Traffic Management, German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies, 2017.
N. Tziortziotis, G. Papagiannis and K. Blekas.
A Bayesian Ensemble
Regression Framework on the Angry Birds Game, IEEE
Trans. on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, vol. 8 (2), pp.
104-115, 2016.
K. Tziortziotis, N. Tziortziotis, K,
Vlachos and K. Blekas. Autonomous navigation of an
over-actuated marine platform using reinforcement learning, 9th Hellenic Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2016), 2016. (best student paper award).
K. Tziortziotis, K. Vlachos and K. Blekas.
Reinforcement learning-based motion planning of a triangular floating platform
under environmental disturbances, Mediterranean
Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 2016.
Frontiers of Medical Imaging, C.H. Chen editor,
World Scientific Publishing, pp. 167-190, 2015.
K. Pandremmenou,
N. Tziortziotis, S. Paluri,
W. Zhang, K. Blekas, L.P. Kondi,
S. Kumar.
Proceedings of SPIE - IS&T Electronic Imaging, San
Francisco, CA, February 2015.
N. Tziortziotis,
G. Papagiannis and K. Blekas.
N. Tziortziotis,
C. Dimitrakakis and K. Blekas.
Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), vol. 15, pp. 2313-2335, 2014
K. Blekas
and A. Likas.
Sparse regression mixture
modeling with the multi-kernel relevance vector machine.
and Information Systems (KAIS), vol. 39(2), pp. 241-264, 2014
N. Tziortziotis,
K. Tziortziotis and K. Blekas.
8th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2014), Ioannina, Greece, Lecture notes in
Artificial Intelligence 8445,
pp.71-83, 2014.
V. Oikonomou,
K. Blekas and L. Astrakas.
Resting State fMRI analysis
using a spatial regression mixture model.
Chania, Greece, Nov. 2013.
S. Karavarsamis,
N. Ntarmos, K. Blekas and I. Pitas,
Detecting pornographic
images by localizing skin ROIs.
Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF), 5 (1), pp. 39-53, 2013.
V. Oikonomou
and K. Blekas.
An adaptive regression
mixture model for fMRI cluster analysis.
Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 32 (4), pp.649-659, 2013.
N. Tziortziotis,
C. Dimitrakakis and K. Blekas.
Linear Bayesian
Reinforcement Learning.
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI 2013
K. Blekas
and I. Lagaris.
A spectral clustering
approach based on Newton’s equations of motion.
Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol 28 (4), pp. 394–410, 2013
K. Blekas
and A. Lykas.
The mixture of multi-kernel
relevance vector machines model.
International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), pp. 111-120, Brussels 2012
N. Tziortziotis and K. Blekas.
IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence,
ICTAI 2012, pp. 712-718, Greece. 2012
V. Karavasilis, K. Blekas and C.
Motion segmentation by a
model-based clustering approach of incomplete trajectories.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol.
116, pp. 1135-1148, 2012
N. Tziortziotis and K. Blekas.
7th Hell. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, (SETN 2012), LNAI 7297, pp. 182-189, Greece, 2012
V.P. Oikonomou,
K. Blekas and L. Astrakas.
IEEE Trans. on Biomedical
Engineering, vol. 59 (1), pp. 58-67, 2012.
N. Tziortziotis
and K. Blekas.
AAAI 2011, San Francisco, pp. 1820-1821,
N. Tziortziotis and K. Blekas
European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2011), Athens, Lecture notes in Computer Science 7188, pp. 128-139, 2011
V. Karavasilis,
K. Blekas and C. Nikou.
Proceedings of the ECML PKDD 2011, Athens, pp.
146-161, 2011.
S. Karavarsamis,
N. Ntarmos and K. Blekas.
Proceedings of the ECML PKDD 2011, Athens, pp.
638-641, 2011.
L. Astrakas,
K. Blekas, C. Constantinou, et. al.
Intern. Journal of Oncology,
38(4):1113-27, 2011.
V.P. Oikonomou
and K. Blekas.
6th Hellenic Conference in Artificial Intelligence (SETN-2010) Athens. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6040, pp. 203-212, 2010.
K. Blekas,
K. Christodoulidou, I.E. Lagaris.
Inter. Conf. on Artificial. Neural Networks (ICANN 2009) Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5769 LNCS , pp. 145-154 , 2009.
O.C. Andronesi,
K. Blekas, D. Mitzopoulos,
L. Astrakas, P.M. Black and A. Tzika.
Intern. Journal on Oncology, 33(5),
pp.1017-1025, 2009.
K. Blekas,
C. Nikou, N. Galatsanos and N.V. Tsekos.
Intern. Journal on Artificial
Intelligence Tools , 17(5), pp.1023-1041, 2008.
K. Blekas,
N.P. Galatsanos and A. Likas.
5th Hellenic Conf. in Artificial Intelligence (SETN-2008) Syros, Greece, 2008, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp.
64-72, 2008.
E. Voudigari
and K. Blekas.
Workshop on ‘Bioinformatics, Genomics and Proteomics on Artificial
Intelligence Approach”, ECAI 2008.
K. Blekas
and I.E. Lagaris.
Pattern Recognition , vol. 40 (6), pp.1734-1744, 2007.
D. Saougos,
G. Manis, K. Blekas and A. Zarras.
IEEE Trans. on Software
Engineering , 33(7), pp. 478-496, 2007.
D.L. Patiris,
K. Blekas and K.G. Ioannides. TRIAC II.
Computer Physics Communications , 177(3), pp. 329-338, 2007.
P. Margariti,
K. Blekas, F. Katzioti, A. Zikou, M. Tzoufi and M. Argyropoulou.
Journal of European Radiology , vol. 17 (2), pp.433-438, 2007.
M. Argyropoulou,
A. Zikou, I. Tzovara, A. Nikas, K. Blekas, P. Margariti, N. Galatsanos, and I. Asproudis.
Journal of European Radiology , 17(7), pp. 1669-1674, 2007.
A. Tzika,
L. Astrakas, H. Cao, D. Mintzopoulos,
O.C. Andronesi, M. Mindrinos,
J. Zhang, L. Rahme, K. Blekas,
A. Likas, N.P. Galatsanos
and P.M. Black.
Intern. Journal of Molecular Medicine, vol. 20 (2),
pp.199-208, 2007.
K. Blekas
and I. E. Lagaris.
Inter. Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Porto 2007, Lecture Notes on Artificial Neural Networks, vol.4669,
pp.291-300, 2007.
K. Blekas,
C. Nikou, N. Galatsanos and N. Tsekos.
Intern. Conf. on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI) Patras, 29-31 Oct. 2007
D.L. Patiris,
K. Blekas and K.G. Ioannides.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods
in Physics Research, Section B , Vol. 244(2), pp. 392-396, 2006.
A. Kakoliris
and K. Blekas.
ECML 2006 International Workshop
on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams (IWKDDS) , pp. 47-56, Berlin, Sep. 2006.
K. Blekas.
Panhellenic Conference in Artificial Intelligence (SETN-2006) Heraclion, Greece, May 2006, Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3955, pp. 25-34, 2006.
C. Nikou, N, Galatsanos,
A. Likas and K. Blekas.
K. Blekas,
D. Fotiadis and A. Likas.
Journal of Computational Biology , vol. 12(1), pp. 64-82, 2005.
K. Blekas,
A. Likas, N. Galatsanos and
I. E. Lagaris.
IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks , Vol. 16(2), pp. 494-498, 2005.
K. Blekas,
N. Galatsanos, A. Likas and
I. E. Lagaris.
IEEE Transactions on Medical
Imaging, Vol. 24(7), pp. 901-909, 2005.
K. Blekas,
D. Fotiadis and A. Likas.
Methods of Information in Medicine
, vol. 43(1), pp. 9-12, 2004.
K. Blekas
and A. Likas.
Proceedings of the 3th Hellenic
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN'04) Samos, Greece, May 2004 , Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, vol. 3025, pp. 210-219, 2004.
K. Blekas,
A. Likas, N. P. Galatsanos
and I. E. Lagaris.
Proceedings of the 12th European
Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2004) , Vienna, Sep. 2004.
K. Blekas,
D. Fotiadis and A. Likas.
Bioinformatics vol. 19(5), pp. 607-617, 2003.
K. Blekas,
D. Fotiadis and A. Likas.
Proc. of the 13th International
Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2003), pp. 702-709, Istanbul, 2003.
K. Blekas,
N. Galatsanos and I. Georgiou.
IEEE International Conference on
Image Processing (ICIP 2003), Vol.2, pp.
165-168, Barcelona, Sep. 2003.
K. Blekas,
D. Fotiadis and A. Likas.
Proc. of the 4th International
Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation (BSI 2002), pp. 11-14, Como, Italy, June 2002.
K. Blekas,
D. Fotiadis, A. Likas and D. Nanou.
Proc.EUNITE Woskshop: Intelligent Systems in Patient Care, pp. 59-65, Vienna, 2001
S. Pavlopoulos, E. Kyriacoy, D. Koutsouris, K. Blekas, A. Stafylopatis and P. Zoumpoulis.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Magazine , vol 19(1), pp. 39-47, 2000.
A. Stafylopatis
and K. Blekas.
European Journal of Operational
Research , 108(2), pp. 306-318, 1998.
N. Vlassis,
K. Blekas, A. Stafylopatis,
G. Papakonstantinou,
Proc. EUSIPCO'98, IX European
Signal Processing Conference, Rhodes,
Greece, Sep 1998.
K. Blekas,
A. Stafylopatis, D. Kontoravdis,
A. Likas and P. Karakitsos.
Journal of Intelligent Systems , vol. 8(1/2), pp. 55-79, 1998.
E. Kyriakoy,
S. Pavlopoulos, D. Koutsouris, K. Blekas,
A. Stafylopatis and P. Zoumpoulis.
VIII Mediterranean Conference on
Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON'98), pp. 180-184, Lemesos, Cyprus, June 1998.
K. Blekas,
A. Likas and A. Stafylopatis.
9th IEEE International Confenrence on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
(ICTAI'97), pp.323-330, California, USA,
Nov. 1997.
K. Blekas,
G. Papageorgiou and A. Stafylopatis.
Proc. 13th Int. Conference on
Digital Signal Processing, (DSP'97), pp. 265-268,
Santorini, Greece, Jul. 1997.
A. Likas,
K. Blekas and A. Stafylopatis.
Journal of Intelligent Systems , vol. 6(2), pp. 145-177, 1996.
K. Blekas
and A. Stafylopatis.
European Congress on Intelligence
Techniques and Soft Computing, EUFIT-96 , pp. 461-465, Aachen, Germany, Sep. 1996.
A. Stafylopatis
and K. Blekas.
Biologically Inspired Autonomous
Systems - Computation, Cognition and Action, Durham, North
Carolina, Mar. 1996.
A. Likas
and K. Blekas.
Neural Processing Letters, vol. 4(3), pp. 167-172, 1996.
K. Blekas,
A. Likas and A. Stafylopatis.
Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on
Neural Networks for Signal Processing (NNSP `95), pp. 153-161, Boston, MA, Aug. 1995.
A. Likas,
K. Blekas and A. Stafylopatis.
Proc. Machine Learning: ECML-95, Heraclion, Crete, Greece, Apr. 1995. (Lecture
notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 912, pp. 311-314, Springer-Verlag,
A. Likas,
K. Blekas and A. Stafylopatis.
IEEE International Workshop on
Neural Networks for Signal Processing (NNSP `94), pp. 163-170, Ermioni, Greece, Sep. 1994.
D. Kontoravdis,
A Likas, K. Blekas and A. Stafylopatis.
Proc. European Robotics and
Intelligent Systems Conference (EURISCON `94) , pp. 243-252, Malaga, Spain, Aug.