obj.f Code for FUNMIN using two-hidden layers sigmoid network to fit a data set. Analytical gradients are coded as well. (SUBROUTINE GRANAL) There is the option for weight-decay regularization. The penalty parameter is set by flag 2. To print results, FLAG 1 must be set to equal 1 MACROF Two macros: .p and .in .in sets the analytic derivative mode and the penalty strength to 1.d-6 .p writes: x,y,N(x,w),N(x,w)-y to file "RES" for plotting NET_PARAMS, POINT_PARAMS Both contain parameter declarations and are used in obj.f as included files, namely by: include 'NET_PARAMS' include 'POINT_PARAMS' oo contains random numbers uniformly distributed in (-1,1) for initialization purposes. (Merlin command: init 1 oo) TwoLayersNN.pdf Contains the relevant formulas for a two-hidden layers sigmoid ANN