Topic 2 - Software-Defined Wireless Propagation


In a usual scenario of wireless communication, electromagnetic waves emitted from user devices scatter chaotically in space, without any control over the physical propagation process, except for the wireless channel endpoints. This has been the norm in wireless communications, where the objects in-between devices are oblivious to the communication process.

There are many security-related problems rising with this norm, with one of them being eavesdropping. People and as a result, wireless devices, share the same medium to transmit data. Therefore, anyone, who may not be a part of a transaction, can try to get a hold of the data that someone else is transmitting. A closely related problem that regular wireless propagation environments are facing, is interference. Yet again, the problem is the sharing of the same medium freely–and potentially selfishly–resulting in network slow-down.

Those issues are caused by the very nature of electromagnetism that dictates the way a wireless emission gets scattered in a space, even if there is no intention for malevolent exploitation. The situation is aggravated in the presence of malicious users, who have as an ultimate goal to disrupt/eavesdrop communication channels, often employing ingenious ways in doing so. Over the years, several steps have been made towards more secure, disruption-free ways of communication, employing robust resource sharing mechanisms and encryption. However, if the physical wireless propagation allows it, mischievous individuals can in principle circumvent any security mechanism.

Programmable wireless environments (PWE) introduce novel capabilities in security, by constituting the wireless propagation controllable in a deterministic manner. They are enabled by coating planar objects in a space with HyperSurfaces, a novel combination of metamaterials and well-defined networking and programming interfaces. Operating by the Huygens principle, HyperSurfaces manipulate impinging waves by altering their power, direction, polarization and phase. Inter-networking capabilities allow them to exchange information and deploy custom end-to-end air-routes that exemplary avoid unintended users, or at least ensure destructive wave super-position in their vicinity.

Illustration of the programmable wireless environment concept. The electromagnetic behavior of walls is programmatically changed to maximize data rates (green use-cases), wireless power transfer (orange use-case), negate eavesdropping (purple use-case), and provide electromagnetic shielding (red use-case).

In a nutshell

The programmable environment concept abstracts the underlying physics of wireless propagation, exposing a software programming interface to control it instead. Thus, the physics behind wireless propagation are brought into the realm of software developers, treating the electromagnetic behavior of objects with simple commands, as below:

Software commands are combined and applied locally on walls to achieve the user objectives.

Essentially, the HyperSurface-coated objects are treated as "routers," which can forward or block electromagnetic waves in a manner very similar to the concept of routers and firewalls in wired networks. Connecting devices becomes a problem of finding a route connecting HyperSurfaces, subject to performance requirements and useraccess policies.

Your task

(If you have no background knowledge on wireless propagation, see Topic 1)


Pick one task! (If you work as a team, pick both). Complexity and further details to be discussed @ Teams.

  1. Using any Surface to Realize a New Paradigm for Wireless Communications.
    Liaskos C., Tsioliaridou A., Pitsillides A., Ioannidis S, Akyildiz IF.
    Communications of the ACM. (pdf) 
  2. On the Network-layer Modeling and Configuration of Programmable Wireless Environments.
    Liaskos C., Tsioliaridou A., Nie S., Pitsillides A., Ioannidis S., Akyildiz I.F.
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. (pdf) 
  3. A novel communication paradigm for high capacity and security via programmable indoor wireless environments in next generation wireless systems.
    Christos Liaskos , Shuai Nie , Ageliki Tsioliaridou , Andreas Pitsillides , Sotiris Ioannidis , Ian Akyildiz
    Ad Hoc Networks. (pdf)
  4. A new wireless communication paradigm through software-controlled metasurfaces.
    Liaskos C., Tsioliaridou A., Nie S., Pitsillides A., Ioannidis S., Akyildiz I.F.
    IEEE Communications Magazine. (pdf) 
  5. Liaskos, C., Nie, S., Tsioliaridou, A., Pitsillides, A., Ioannidis, S. and Akyildiz, I., 2020. End-to-End Wireless Path Deployment With Intelligent Surfaces Using Interpretable Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications68(11), pp.6792-6806. (pdf)
  6. Christos Liaskos, Georgios G. Pyrialakos, Alexandros Pitilakis, Ageliki Tsioliaridou,
    Michail Christodoulou, Nikolaos Kantartzis, Sotiris Ioannidis, Andreas Pitsillides, Ian
    F. Akyildiz, The Internet of MetaMaterial Things and their software enablers, ITU International Journal of Future Emerging Technologies (Inaugural issue), Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2020. (pdf)